Kreativní Evropa

Kreativní Evropa

Creative Europe Desk Czech Republic is the national office of the Creative Europe Programme - the European Union programme providing support to the culture and audiovisual sectors.

Following on from the previous Creative Europe programme, Creative Europe keeps supporting the European cultural and creative sectors for the period 2021-2027 with the budget 2,5 billions eur. The Programme builds on and continues the structure of the previous programme with three strands – Culture, which covers cultural and creative sectors with the exception of the audiovisual sector; MEDIA, which covers the audiovisual sector, including the support of video games; and the Cross-sectoral strand, which covers activities across all cultural and creative sectors.

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GDS Prague 2024
Opening the doors to the game industry

Contacts +420 773 591 047
GDS Prague takes place under the auspices of the Deputy Mayor of Prague 4, Mr. Filip Vácha.
Conference is organized by Eventia s.r.o. and Active Radio a.s. The official ticket seller is Eventia s.r.o. Terms & Conditions (CZ)
Financed by EU Národní plán obnovy Ministerstvo kultury Financed by European Union – Next Generation EU